Bundu.in is a local directory website where you get all useful information about your local area, including popular places, stores, and the latest events, right now it’s in the development phase. Please give us suggestions/feedback so we can improve our website.


Sajal Manjhi

Sajal Manjhi – Founder

He is The Fountainhead and Editor-in-chief of Bundu.in, also founded Techotn.com, and running his personal blog (Sajalmanjhi.com). He is a web developer, SEO Expert, Author, and Digital Marketer with the skill of taking extreme risks and a true hater of 9 to 5 jobs. Inspiring slogan – Be your own Boss.

Gautam Kunwar

Gautam Kunwar

Content Manager

Gautam is the content manager of Bundu.in, Tech enthusiast, YouTuber, gadget explorer, and Instagram Marketer. He is always excited to learn new things in technology.

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This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Vishnu tudu

    Hi.. my friend sajal..
    Keep it up..

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